
class cabarchive.CabArchive(buf: Optional[bytes] = None, flattern: bool = False)

Bases: dict

This instance allows parsing or writing a MS Cabinet archive.

You can treat the CabArchive instance like a dictionary when reading and writing archives.

For instance, loading an archive:

with open("", "rb") as f:
    arc = CabArchive(
cff = arc["test.txt"]
print("filename", cff.filename)     # "test.txt"
print("contents", cff.buf)          # b"test123"
print("created",     # 2015
for fn in arc:
    print(fn)                       # "test.txt"

…or creating and saving an archive:

arc = CabArchive()
arc["test.txt"] = CabFile("test123".encode())
with open("", "wb") as f:
find_file(glob: str) Optional[cabarchive.file.CabFile]

Gets a file from the archive using a glob.


self: A CabArchive instance. glob: File glob, e.g. *.txt


The first CabFile that matches the filename glob, or None.

find_files(glob: str) List[cabarchive.file.CabFile]

Gets files from the archive using a glob.


self: A CabArchive instance. glob: File glob, e.g. *.txt


All CabFile object that matches the filename glob, or None.

parse(buf: bytes) None

Parse .cab binary data


self: A CabArchive instance. bytes: Binary blob loaded from disk.


CorruptionError: The cab file was invalid or corrupt. NotSupportedError: The format was not supported, e.g. unknown compression.

save(compress: bool = False, sort: bool = True) bytes

Returns cabinet file data, optionally compressed


self: A CabArchive instance. compress: If the binary data should be compressed. sort: If the file lists should be sorted in a predictable order


The blob of memory that can be written to disk.

set_id: int

The “Set ID” used for multi-file archives

class cabarchive.CabFile(buf: Optional[bytes] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, mtime: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None)

Bases: object

An object representing a file in a Cab archive

Any number of CabFile instances can be stored in a CabArchive. A new instance can be created with just the data bytes or with an additional mtime. If the modification time is not set then the current date and time is used, which may be unhelpful if you require a reproducable builds.

cff = CabFile(b"test123")

bytes to use for the file contents

date: Optional[]

date the file was created

property filename: Optional[str]

filename to use in the archive


set if file modified since last backup


set if file is executable


set if file is hidden


set if file is read-only


set if file is a system file

time: Optional[datetime.time]

time the file was created

exception cabarchive.CorruptionError

Bases: Exception

exception cabarchive.NotSupportedError

Bases: Exception

Indices and tables